My name is Dane and I am a student of Clinical Nueropsychology. I have been interested in Clinical Psychology for quite some time and have just recently become fascinated with the neurological aspects of psychology.

The home of my studies is Marywood University (Scranton, Pennsylvania) during the academic year and at Binghamton University (Binghamton, New York) in the summer.

My research has included a large range of topics: the development of a new assessment tool to help identify a person's tendancy to have personality characteristics of the "Complex Person" (as defined by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi); an exploratory study looking at relationships between tremors, ataxia, & c. and the amount of psychotropic medications an individual was taking; and most recently looking at emotional detection in prosody and deficits in this ability with those who suffer from a formal thought disorder. If you have any interest in any or all of these studies please feel free to email me at the below address.

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Last Updated: August 3, 2003.

Ó Dane Doornbos: July, 2001. pfloyd67@hotmail.com